2023 Hotter’N Hell Hundred

by Roger A. Shake, CFP®, RLP®, CeFT®

“Begin With The End in Mind.” You’ll recognize it as habit 2 from Stephen Covey’s much loved and quoted book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. I think it’s useful advice. I don’t always follow it, sometimes I just do stuff.

After knee replacement surgery in 2017, I was cautioned to no longer run or play competitive squash, but to find activities that provided cardio benefits and “would be kind to my new knee.” Instead of just “doing stuff,” my research led to the usual suspects – walking, swimming, cycling, rowing. In the later part of 2019, intrigued by cycling and the use of a loaner bike provided by a friend, I started my cycling journey. As with anything new and exciting, I was a sponge soaking up information, technique, nutrition and hydration tips. My 10 mile rides lengthened into 20 miles, then 30, then my first 100k-metric century (62 miles), and then onto organized rides/races. All of these “firsts” were the result of encouragement, mentoring, and participation with two dear friends, Dave (red jersey) and Jim (white jersey).

On August 26, 2023, the three of us completed the Hotter ‘N Hell 100 mile bike ride in Wichita Falls, Texas. Dave and Jim had completed this ride numerous times, but it was a first for me. As we crossed the finish line I was reminded of the African proverb, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” I have known both Dave and Jim for over 30 years. Not only have they helped me with my cycling, but more importantly, they have helped me with life by being wise counsel, a sounding board, mentors, listening ears and friends. They have made it possible for me “go far,” and I am forever blessed and grateful.

Sometimes we “begin with the end in mind” and at other times we “just do stuff.” However life unfolds, we’ve all had people who helped us along our journey. Take a moment to reflect on who in your life has made it possible for you to “go far?” Whatever name(s) came to your heart or mind, let me encourage you to drop them a note, send them a text or give them a call to let them know how they have impacted your life.


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The Legacy Perspective - October 2023


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